Happy New Year

1) Be kinder to all creatures. Be mindful of their lives and troubles, be more compassionate.
2) Respect individuality at all levels and try to understand different points of view, mainly Republicans and why they believe the things they do. It baffles me!
3) Make an informed decision on who to vote for in 2008, not just the knee jerk reaction of I like her, I'm voting for her. She may not be the 'best' candidate.
4) Find 200 letterboxes. This may not seem like a hard stretch but it is.
5) Carve and plant more letterboxes. This is rather hard, I rarely plant boxes. I love to carve stamps, I hate finding places to hide the stamps.
6) Walk more. 'Nuff said.
7) Find Zeno. I hate hate hate these boxes! They torment me but in 2008 I will try to overcome my hatred and actually try to find them.
8) Organize my house. The certain piles of stuff are invading the other piles of stuff, so I need to organize my piles.
9) Give up a certain disgusting habit that I've done too long! It's not only costing my $5 a day, but it makes the house, car, clothes, hair smell. I'm tired of it.
10) Start Tai Chi. I've done yoga for years but I think it's time for a change of pace.
So a new year and a new set of resolutions. Hopefully I can accomplish a few!!
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