Road Rally- Whew!!

I have finally recovered after our first "Road Rally"!!! On May 7th, 2006 Natty Bumpo and Co. held the second annual Road Rally in Green Lane, Montgomery County PA. Last year there were torrential rains, we weren't able to make it, but this year- we were there.
Our start time was 10:20am and after the usually letterboxing chatter, Leafcutters and I hit the road. We had planned to take our time, enjoy the boxes, enjoy the ride, get as many boxes as we could, but something takes over and before we knew it, we were racing!! We did manage to get a fair number of the bonus boxes in the process. The best was the "Nat Bumpo for Congress" signs hidden on the sides of the road. We breezed past two of these before finally stopping to check one out, only to be rewarded with a 'bonus' box.
We made it through the course okay, only to be slowed down at the last box where we had to open a safe- I wasn't paying attention like I should have been, and missed the numbers along the way, we had to drive back to the box #8, get the numbers and drive back to box #9 again. All in all it was worth every second- I had such a fun time, and the stamps were amazing!!
Now we are gearing up for our trip to Connecticut over Memorial Day weekend, planning boxes and routes. We should have a good time.
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